Energy, Waste and Power

Energy, Waste and Power

AAH deliver Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment of large scale development projects across the Energy, Waste and Power sectors. Our key specialisms are solar farms up to 50MW, wind farms, single wind turbines, battery storage and larger Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects as defined under the Planning Act 2008. We have delivered planning for renewable energy projects across the UK in areas governed by all six Distribution Network Operator (DNO) groups and within the majority of DNO license areas. Our team also has a proven track record in delivering planning consent for energy from waste projects and associated enabling infrastructure.

Our client base work with us due to the expertise and skill of our Planning, Landscape and Environment teams who's input is fundamental from concept, by virtue of characteristic development scale and obtrusiveness, with projects often set within the sensitive landscapes or at risk from natural hazards such as flooding.

If you would like to speak to someone about planning for Energy, Waste, and Power then please contact us.

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