
Detailed Design & Technical Delivery

AAH believe that provision of a high quality landscape does not need to be an expensive afterthought, but instead presents a unique opportunity to enhance the sustainability and appeal of a project, its occupancy and ultimate end value.

Detailed hard and soft landscape design must respond to landscape context, built form and promote high quality public and private open spaces that maximise biodiversity, recreation, and learning. Key to the success of any project is the foresight of an experienced Landscape Architect to design open spaces with longevity and that remain functional, through innovative species selection, site contouring and the production of robust Landscape Management Plans.

Our Landscapes Architects have substantial experience of detailed hard and soft landscape design for rural and urban projects across a broad range of sectors throughout the United Kingdom. AAH's team includes Drainage Engineers, an in-house skill set rarely combined with Landscape Architecture outside of the multi-national corporations. These combined expertise allow us to offer a one stop shop for the detailed design of 'green open' Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) that contribute to the Biodiversity Net Gain and aesthetic appeal of a project, but also incorporate detailed hydraulic modelling to ensure that suitable water conveyance and storage provisions are made to attenuate surface water generated by new development.

If you would like to learn more about AAH's hard and Detailed Design & Technical Delivery or SuDS then please contact us.

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