2nd September 2024

Planning Appeal Success - Garforth, Leeds

Rob Crolla


Development Director


Planning Appeal Success – Single Dwelling, Garforth, Leeds

On behalf of our client, Wheatley Developments, AAH Planning secured planning permission on appeal for the erection of a single 4.no bedroom dwelling at Lowther Drive, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1EW.

AAH Planning were instructed following the initial refusal of planning permission by Leeds City Council. AAH Planning worked closely with the scheme architects E3 Architecture to rebut the reasons for refusal focusing on the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area with the local planning authority claiming that the proposed dwelling, by reason of its scale, footprint, massing and siting would lead to a form of development which would be incongruous within the street scene and would fail to address the existing pattern of development along Lowther Drive.

In order to overcome the reasons for refusal AAH Planning worked closely with the client and architect to undertake analysis in relation to:

- urban fabric;

- plot sizes and orientation;

- building scales and footprints; and

- building lines and relationship to street scenes and sight lines.

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This analysis resulted in a clear demonstration that the proposal was acceptable in the proposed context - being an infill plot to the front of an existing single bungalow - with the new building not introducing a discordant element in the street scene.

Indeed, the Inspector found that ‘the proposed dwelling on this infill plot would make a positive contribution to the pattern of development of this residential area........the size, scale, design, and layout of the development proposal would be appropriate to its context and would respect the character and appearance of the area. As such, it would be in accordance with Core Strategy policy P10, which sets out key design principles.

Garforth 3

Great working with Wheatley Developments and E3 Architecture.

The full appeal decision can be found at https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ViewCase.aspx?Caseid=3335584&CoID=0

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