With an established reputation in Land Promotion, AAH understand that the right approach to Landscape Design at an early stage can maximise opportunities and bring forward sustainable benefits that help to increase the value of a development. Feasibility appraisals allow developers to understand risk before committing to a project, to consider alternative site uses, or in some instances walk away without having made substantial investment.
AAH Landscape undertake preliminary work for large and small-scale development across a variety of sectors and feed this in to Screening Studies for EIA development. We regularly work with AAH Planning, AAH Environment and professionals from other practices to provide a broader scope of Pre Planning and strategy advice that optimises the subsequent planning process and ultimately the probability of receiving consent.
If you would like to understand how AAH’s Landscape Pre Planning and Feasibility Appraisal work can benefit your project, or to speak with a member of the team then please Contact Us.