AAH offer Preliminary Risk Assessments (Phase 1 Site Investigation) to communicate the geo-environmental setting of a site and its historical uses in the context of proposed development, or redevelopment.
Phase 1 Site Investigation uses the findings of both desk based research and walkover survey to create a conceptual ground model showing hypothetical contaminant linkages to an end site user or other receptors. Key contamination risks are identified and the scope of further scrutiny via intrusive site work and sampling (Phase 2 Site investigation) is negotiated with interested consultees. Under normal circumstances the scope of Phase 2 work is secured by means of an appropriately worded planning condition.
Our team of engineers undertake Preliminary Risk Assessments in conjunction with the desktop assessment and walkover surveys required for Flood Risk Assessment, Drainage and SuDS.
To find out more about Preliminary Risk Assessments please contact us.